Recently, one of my colleagues Welion just rewatched the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Audrey Hepburn is one of her favorite movie stars ) and this is a movie telling us to find the true love and find what you really want. However, today is not about the movie story. But regaring a sleepy mask. And Welion just found a great sleepy mask in this movie. And her told our sample maker to do this sample. Here is a saying: Easy saying better than doing it.  So our sample maker started to find the same mask fabric and accessories. It took 5 days to finish buying the materials.

Here enclosed the fabric that we used.

Sleepy mask material

I know what you are thinking after seeing above picture. “What the hell?”

But here check our hard-working result.

Breakfast at Tiffany's Audrey Hepburn Sleepy Mask

Compared with the mask in this movie, Miss Welion is satisfied and already took one to her home.

Here check How Audrey Hepburn used in this movie.

Breakfast at Tiffany's Audrey Hepburn Sleepy Mask

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